NeuWrite Nordic is a regional branch of the international collaborative science-writing workshop NeuWrite. NeuWrite Nordic brings together scientists and writers based in the Nordic region to provide feedback on drafts of each other's texts using the creative-writing workshop model.
October workshop: special guest
Photo: Tiina Jutila / Yle At our October 10 workshop meeting, we’ll have a special treat: Iida Turpeinen, one of Finland’s leading thinkers and practitioners in the transdisciplinary space between…
The bioethics of the brain-machine interface
Image: From “The Emerging Ethics of Innovative Brain Research” in UnDark; Getty Direct electrical/digital interfaces between human brains and machines are advancing rapidly while AI is suddenly infiltrating the…
Hair-Power Performativity published
An illustration called “Cut It Out” by the Italian artist Marco Melgrati in support of Iranian women’s protest (center image, above) was the inspiration for a draft text we workshopped…
Convention says science and literature are separate, and that the public must be told the correct facts of objective science. But as scientists, writers, and audiences, we are communally navigating mixed-together scientific and humanistic narratives going all directions. Thus science writing can, and perhaps should, also embrace uncertainty, vulnerability, subjectivity, emotion, metaphor, and imagination if the goal is to create lasting insight and impact.
—Trevor Corson
Director, NeuWrite Nordic
NeuWrite Nordic ry | 2024