The bioethics of the brain-machine interface

September 12, 2024

Image: From “The Emerging Ethics of Innovative Brain Research” in UnDark; Getty   Direct electrical/digital interfaces between human brains and machines are advancing rapidly while AI is suddenly infiltrating the…

Using ourselves as characters to help audiences explore the unknown in science

February 10, 2024

Lecturing at an audience and just “explaining the science” isn’t always the most effective way to communicate. An alternative approach that’s often recommended is using a personal story to connect…

What explains public distrust of science?

January 15, 2024

A concern frequently voiced by participants in our workshops is the decline of public trust in science. The need to rebuild trust, and strengthen public awareness of the scientific process,…

Going deep—the ethics and methods of immersion

December 15, 2023

What happens when, as we research and write, we take a really deep dive-especially into subject matter that might be outside our expertise, or into a complicated real-world situation, or…

Metaphor & irony

November 9, 2023

The metaphor of modern medicine as a tower anchored a draft piece of fiction that we workshopped this month. In the story another tower appeared through the mist, too: alternative…

Reaching readers

October 12, 2023

How do you get your message to the audience that needs to hear it-especially if they are likely to resist? For that matter, as writers, how do we learn enough…

Under construction. More workshop reports coming soon ...