A long overdue evolutionary account of women

A New York Times bestselling book comes out of NeuWrite:

Scientist and creative writer Cat Bohannon is a long-time member of the NeuWrite creative science-writing workshop group in New York City, where she completed her PhD at Columbia University on the evolution of narrative and cognition.

In an inspiration to those of us workshopping our writing in NeuWrite groups everywhere, Cat has now published an exciting new book that has become an instant bestseller and is getting tons of attention, including this review in The Guardian and an appearance on The Daily Show with Sarah Silverman.

The book is: Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Evolution.

Cat's essays and poems have appeared in Scientific American, Mind, Science Magazine, The Best American Nonrequired Reading, The Georgia Review, The Story Collider, and Poets Against the War.

Image: An illustration from Eve via The Guardian.