Poetry performance / art exhibition explores scientific ideas

NeuWrite Nordic participant, doctoral researcher from the University of Helsinki’s Neuroscience Center, and internationally published writer, poet and visual artist Rakenduvadhana Srinivasan will perform her original poetry as part of the Surrealism Festival at Yö Gallery in Helsinki, where her art will be on sale and projected (see the neuroscience-themed work above). Titled “Inexorable filaments…

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Sci-comm panel at Brain & Mind

On October 25, NeuWrite Nordic director Trevor Corson will discuss storytelling and creative writing in science as part of a panel discussion on science communication, during the concluding event of the Brain & Mind Symposium in Helsinki. The panel is scheduled for Friday afternoon at 4pm. More information and registration here.

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Article about surgical fads and secret agents published

Perhaps it was a stretch to compare the rise and fall of medical techniques with the love life of James Bond, but that’s exactly the origin of one of the more memorable charts to have appeared in the British Medical Journal. For the first time, the full story of the comparison, and the connection to…

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Climate action novel published

“Engrossing, insightful, and entirely credible.” —Markku Kulmala University of Helsinki Academy Professor and atmospheric scientist   “Frighteningly believable.” —Kati Halonen, poet   At NeuWrite Nordic we’ve workshopped several sections of a novel about climate change, in which dramatic scenes of destruction and chaos have stripped away the polite politicking of national leaders and climate scientists…

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“Hair-Power Performativity” published

An illustration called “Cut It Out” by the Italian artist Marco Melgrati in support of Iranian women’s protest (center image, above) was the inspiration for a draft text we workshopped at NeuWrite Nordic last autumn. The text, a collaborative hybrid of social-science and storytelling titled “Hair-Power Performativity,” was published this week in the Barcelona-based journal…

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Dance first, think later

The number-one most-read article at the moment in the Finnish Medical Journal (Lääkärilehti) is a new column by NeuWrite Nordic board member Jussi Valtonen, award-winning novelist and a researcher in psychology at the University of Helsinki. Valtonen poses some very pointed questions for the medical establishment as he considers the results of a recent meta-analysis…

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New film about reverse aging hits theaters

We’re thrilled that the new film Palimpsest, aspects of which were workshopped at NeuWrite Nordic, hits theaters in Helsinki this Friday, 12 April. A special screening with English subtitles will be held in Punavuori on Monday, 22 April, at 17:00. Screenwriter and filmmaker Hanna Västinsalo, a NeuWrite Nordic adviser and regular participant, has a PhD…

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Can AI feed the world? And what is “precision agriculture”?

Biomedical researcher, published novelist, and NeuWrite Nordic participant Franziska Bentz has written a wide-ranging article surveying the past and possible futures of technology in agriculture. The rapid evolution of data and automation provides much promise but also challenges, Bentz writes for The Science Basement. One of those challenges is that farmers and scientists often don’t…

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“A fountain of youth or a hopeful lie?” published

“So, meet Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) – a molecule that promises a simple solution to the inevitable problem of ageing”. This tantalizing morsel comes from a draft article we workshopped recently, at a meeting where we contemplated the possible uses of irony and satire in writing about scientific topics—especially ones about which we might want…

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A long overdue evolutionary account of women

A New York Times bestselling book comes out of NeuWrite: Scientist and creative writer Cat Bohannon is a long-time member of the NeuWrite creative science-writing workshop group in New York City, where she completed her PhD at Columbia University on the evolution of narrative and cognition. In an inspiration to those of us workshopping our…

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