Dance first, think later

The number-one most-read article at the moment in the Finnish Medical Journal (Lääkärilehti) is a new column by NeuWrite Nordic board member Jussi Valtonen, award-winning novelist and a researcher in psychology at the University of Helsinki. Valtonen poses some very pointed questions for the medical establishment as he considers the results of a recent meta-analysis…

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New film about reverse aging hits theaters

We’re thrilled that the new film Palimpsest, aspects of which were workshopped at NeuWrite Nordic, hits theaters in Helsinki this Friday, 12 April. Trailer, info, and tickets here. A special screening with English subtitles will be held in Punavuori on Monday, 22 April, at 17:00. Info here. (If you are interested in additional English-subtitled screenings…

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What explains public distrust of science?

A concern frequently voiced by participants in our workshops is the decline of public trust in science. The need to rebuild trust, and strengthen public awareness of the scientific process, are oft-cited goals of science communication, including the kind of science-related creative writing we try to foster in NeuWrite Nordic. Yet how to solve the…

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Metaphor & irony

The metaphor of modern medicine as a tower anchored a draft piece of fiction that we workshopped this month. In the story another tower appeared through the mist, too: alternative medicine. This text used concrete visual drama to take an idea and, as the screenwriting teacher Robert McKee puts it, wrap that idea in an…

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Reaching readers

How do you get your message to the audience that needs to hear it—especially if they are likely to resist? For that matter, as writers, how do we learn enough about our intended audience that we can meet them where they are? The author of one of the draft texts we workshopped this month faced…

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Revealing problems in medical research in psychology

One of the most-read columns this month in the Finnish Medical Journal (Lääkärilehti) was authored by NeuWrite Nordic board member Jussi Valtonen, an award-winning novelist and a researcher in psychology at the University of Helsinki. You can read the column in Finnish here or in English machine translation here (PDF).

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Fighter moms support vital research into mitochondrial diseases

Describing science through simple stories and metaphors helped Brendan Battersby, a University of Helsinki research director in mitochondrial biology, connect with the parents of a child with Leigh Syndrome, which led to a new collaboration on research funding. The family felt that Brendan was the first medical expert who’d explained their child’s disease to them…

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