October workshop special guest

Photo: Tiina Jutila / Yle At our October 10 workshop meeting, we’ll have a special treat: Iida Turpeinen, one of Finland’s leading thinkers and practitioners in the transdisciplinary space between science and literature, will join us to discuss a section of the forthcoming English translation of her 2023 natural-history book Beasts of the Sea (Fin.…

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September workshop coming up

Save the date for our next dinner salon and workshop: the evening of September 12 (Thursday). Location change: Please note that the September meeting will not meet at Oodi Library. For the September meeting, we will temporarily relocate to the Kone Foundation space in Punavuori / Eira. Slots are available for texts-in-progress to be workshopped.…

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Hair-Power Performativity published

An illustration called “Cut It Out” by the Italian artist Marco Melgrati in support of Iranian women’s protest (center image, above) was the inspiration for a draft text we workshopped at NeuWrite Nordic last autumn. The text, a collaborative hybrid of social-science and storytelling titled “Hair-Power Performativity,” was published this week in the Barcelona-based journal…

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Dance first, think later

The number-one most-read article at the moment in the Finnish Medical Journal (Lääkärilehti) is a new column by NeuWrite Nordic board member Jussi Valtonen, award-winning novelist and a researcher in psychology at the University of Helsinki. Valtonen poses some very pointed questions for the medical establishment as he considers the results of a recent meta-analysis…

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New film about reverse aging hits theaters

We’re thrilled that the new film Palimpsest, aspects of which were workshopped at NeuWrite Nordic, hits theaters in Helsinki this Friday, 12 April. Trailer, info, and tickets here. A special screening with English subtitles will be held in Punavuori on Monday, 22 April, at 17:00. Info here. (If you are interested in additional English-subtitled screenings…

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Can AI feed the world? And what is “precision agriculture”?

Biomedical researcher, published novelist, and NeuWrite Nordic participant Franziska Bentz has written a wide-ranging article surveying the past and possible futures of technology in agriculture. The rapid evolution of data and automation provides much promise but also challenges, Bentz writes for The Science Basement. One of those challenges is that farmers and scientists often don’t…

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January workshop report: What explains public distrust of science?

A concern frequently voiced by participants in our workshops is the decline of public trust in science. The need to rebuild trust, and strengthen public awareness of the scientific process, are oft-cited goals of science communication, including the kind of science-related creative writing we try to foster in NeuWrite Nordic. Yet how to solve the…

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December workshop report: Going deep—the ethics and methods of immersion

What happens when, as we research and write, we take a really deep dive—especially into subject matter that might be outside our expertise, or into a complicated real-world situation, or even into the minds of the people we’re writing about? What ethical problems arise for us as writers? What writing techniques can we use? How…

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Literary science writing wins award

Exciting news for all of us working in the mysterious creative space between the literary arts and science: yesterday, the debut novel Beasts of the Sea by Iida Turpeinen won the Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize. The novel has also been nominated for Finland’s most prestigious literary award, the Finlandia Prize (which was won by our…

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